Hating, Persecuting, and Despising Each Other

hands upIt is amazing to me that a difference of opinion upon subjects that we know nothing with certainty about, should make us hate, persecute, and despise each other. – Robert G. Ingersoll



As an Black male, I go out into the world daily with an understanding of how the world views Black men. My feelings can be best described in the context of the latest murders of two Black men, the one near Baton Rouge, LA. and the other near St. Paul, MN. Whether it is about the hatred, persecution, or loathing of some Whites of Blacks, Heterosexuals of Homosexuals, Men of Women, Jews of Gentiles, Christians of non-believers, etc., etc., I too have found it indeed (borrowing Mr. Ingersoll’s word)  – AMAZING!!  However, after reading the above excerpt by Ingersoll, I now understand why from a different perspective that it is NOT amazing.  We should expect nothing less from so-called humans when the very make-up of their mental faculties are founded upon one’s superiority and another’s inferiority. How ’bout that?! Period, Case-Closed!

Loves Final Destination

Love recognizes no barriers.  It jumps  hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou


This is true of males, females, blacks, whites, men, women, gay or straight up to and including those who just LOVE!